Tsuriai  Dojo

Kyokushin Karate

Our Trainings

Everyone who trains with us works on their fitness, flexibility, resilience, mental toughness and having fun!                  Our trainings consist of a number of elements. Khihon, Kata and Kumite or Technique, mock fighting and fighting (sparring). Everything is done in a safe environment. Although Kyokushin karate is the hardest form of karate, everyone will respect each other and the superior party will adapt to the other. After all, everyone has to go back to school or work the next day.

Joint training

For now, we train on Wednesday evenings from 19.30 to 21.00. After a thorough warming up, we focus on kihon and kata. This can be done in many forms. At the end we usually conclude with a few sparring matches. Given the diversity of techniques, training forms etc, no training will be the same. However, the common thread running through the trainings is kihon, kata and kumite and....the Kyokushin mentality!

During the trainings you work on your techniques, but also on your condition. A good condition is a requirement to walk a good kata or fight/sparring well. Another component is flexibility. During the lessons attention is paid to stretching the body, making you more flexible. Besides fitness and flexibility, during the trainings you will work on processing impact on the body and you will become mentally stronger.

Individual workouts.
On request and in consultation, an individual class can be followed. If you want to work on a personal goal, such as preparing for a competition/exam, improving your condition, etc., it is possible to train one on one. Please contact one of the teachers for the conditions.

Federation activities.
Within the federation (NKKO) there are many activities in which you can participate. Monthly there are the national trainings in Papendal for both kata and kumite. Everyone can participate free of charge. There are also activities such as beach training and various tournaments. It is also possible to participate in activities of other federations, both national and international. Examples include various fighting camps in Lithuania, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands. After all, we are all one Kyukoshin family!

To achieve a higher grade, you take an exam. Up to brown belt (2nd kyu), you can take the exam in your own Dojo. From the 1st Kyu onwards, you do union exams in Papendal during the annual Summer Camp. The exam requirements per kyu grade are described in the exam requirements of the KWF (Kyokushin World federation).

It is worth emphasizing that achieving a higher belt is not an isolated goal, but rather the result of dedicated training and skill development over a longer period of time.
It is worth mentioning that higher belts, especially then degrees, are not only based on technical skills, but also on other aspects such as attitude, character and understanding of the philosophy behind martial arts
If you pass a higher belt, this is recorded in your karate passport and you receive a corresponding certificate. If you pass a dan degree, you will receive a black belt with your name embroidered on it in Japanese.