Tsuriai  Dojo

Kyokushin Karate

De lesgevers 

Elion Peters

  • 2nd Dan
  • State recognized teacher of martial arts (LMA)
  • International corner referee
  • National head referee
  • 3rd place open NK 2023 & 2024, veteran class (35+)
  • 3rd place Spanish open 2024, Master class (50, +80)

Elion Peters begins Kung-Fu as a teenager under the guidance of Ruby Leiba. In the 90's he comes in contact with Kyokushin karate and starts his path in Kyokushinkai under the guidance of Shihan Gerard van Kessel.  After obtaining his 7th Kyu, he had to stop karate because of his job.

After his studying Industrial Engineering, he picked up the thread in 2012 and found his way back into Kyokushin karate.... After a long training path, he obtained his Shodan in 2019 and his corner referee diploma later that year. In 2022, he passed his 2nd Dan. In 2023, he passed his state-recognized Martial Arts Teacher (LMA) diploma. Elion has fought at several tournaments, with great results. For example, in 2023 & 204 he finished third at the open Dutch Championships in the veteran class. Also the 3th place at the Spanish open in 2024.


Pascal Claessens

  • 3th Dan
  • International corner referee
  • National head referee
  • Fought at European Championships and World Championships in the 90/00s
  • 3th Dan in 2024


Pascal Claessens started karate at the age of 12 at Naga Hitam under the guidance of Sensei J. Hoyer in Weert, where he trained for more than 30 years. In addition, he also trained Mauy thai there. Since 2017 he has been training at Yin Yang under the direction of Shihan G. van Kessel. Over the years he has had the opportunity to attend several seminars and camps.
Pascal has 15 years of competition experience and belonged to the Dutch selection. He obtained several second places at various tournaments, such as Holland Oyama cup, European Tezukacup, NK Drachten and Beker der kempen. He is also a qualified international corner referee. Obtained Shodan in 2005, and Nidan in 2009 at the IFK. In 2019 he also passed national head refereeing. Pascal passed his examination for the 3th Dan in 2024.